We Are All Connected (WAC) is EVC’s urban-rural summer exchange and documentary program.

We Are All Connected (WAC), brings together young people from New York City and Appalachia to live, work, and learn together to collaboratively produce documentary films and websites about social justice issues that impact their lives and bridge the urban-rural divide.
EVC’s Appalachian partnership dates back to the mid 1980’s when EVC first held urban-rural youth video summer camps in Eastern Tennessee. In 2017, EVC revived these summer camps with our original partners. Youth that have completed a previous EVC program are eligible to participate in WAC. Through the program, New York City and Tennessee students have chosen to turn their cameras on systemic issues personally relevant to them, including broadband access, the opioid epidemic, foster care, and most recently water quality. Both communities end off with a video that is a powerful tool to foster dialogue locally and visibility nationally on critical issues.
Through We Are All Connected, youth in urban and rural communities find shared values, learn how much they have in common, and how interconnected their communities really are.
Want to learn more? Simply fill out the form below, or email Mary Grueser, Deputy Director, Programs.