April 12-14, 2013 Teachers College, Columbia University Macy Art Gallery 525 West 120th St., New York, NY 10027
Participation to the conference is free and open to all audiences.
For more information contact youthmediavisions@gmail.com

Conversations Across Cultures: Youth Media Visions highlights newly emerging cultures and explores the pedagogic potentialities of learning with and from media produced by young people. The three-day-conversations weekend will generate a space for dialogue bringing together educators, youth and media professionals from NY and from overseas who use video as a means of expression, reflection and learning in formal and informal educational settings. The event, co-organized by Teachers College Columbia University and United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, focuses on how young people explore diversity, migration and social inclusion, through the means of video production. A central feature of the weekend conversations will be presentations and screenings of youth video productions in the Macy Art Gallery as part of the exhibition Youth Media Visions, April 12-19, 2013. For program and more information, click here.