EVC and Mount Sinai’s Manhattan Community Transformation Grant Coalition are proud to commemorate The Great American Smokeout, a day to encourage smokers to take steps towards healthier, smoke-free lives. For more information, here is the event flyer.
When: Thursday, November 15
1:00 – 4:00pm
Where: Harlem Hospital 530 Lenox Avenue Nursing Conference Room (3rd floor)
Who:Community Members, Stakeholders, Youth – YOU!
RSVP: Email Devin at devin.madden@mountsinai.org by Thurs, 11/8
Schedule 1:00 – 3:00pm – Community Presentations • Harlem Hospital Center’s “Quit Smoking” program will highlight smoking cessation programs and evidence-based treatments • The Manhattan Smoke-free Partnership will discuss ways we can build a smoke-free city • The YWHA of Washington Heights/Inwood will talk about ways to get youth involved in fighting tobacco advertising 3:00 – 4:00pm – Documentary Screening: A CLOUDED VIEW