On February 18th, Youth Producers from EVC’s Winter Youth Documentary Workshop visited JPMorgan Chase (JPMC) at Hudson Yards for a private screening of their documentary, Cops Are(n’t) Colorblind: Changing the NYPD from Inside and Out. The screening was hosted by JPMC’s BOLD initiative for Black History Month. Following the screening, JPMC employees engaged with students in a passionate Q&A and engaged them in one-on-one conversations about their interests and passions.

After the Q&A, our youth were given a tour of the wonderful JPMorgan Chase facility.

Thank you to Jahaad Martin for his incredible dedication and support to make this event possible, as well as the entire JPMorgan Chase team including BOLD (Black Organization for Leadership Development), BLACKS in Technology, DEEC, and 5MW Amenities for being sponsorship partners of this event.
If your company or non-profit is interested in screening a youth produced documentary, email us at info@evc.org.
