Every year brings us more proof of the intellectual power and creative potential of the youth we serve. EVC’s workshops not only provide students with academic credit and professional skills; we give them the chance to express themselves and be heard. We are proud that EVC documentaries have been featured at Sundance, Human Rights Watch, and Tribeca Film Festivals, and have won over 100 awards, including an Emmy.
Our graduates are proof of EVC’s powerful impact. EVC students not only go on to graduate high school. Most go on to college and many build careers in the media including CNN, the History Channel, CNBC, Nickelodeon, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, the Hispanic International TV Network, and PBS’s POV program.
EVC is a transformative experience. Please make a contribution and help us reach as many young people as we can with EVC’s life-changing programs by giving generously this year.
If you made a donation last year, we thank you for your generous gift. This year, please consider an increase, your personal best. We need your help. During these tough economic times every dollar you give matters.
Click here to make a secure online donation with your credit card. Or send a check, payable to the Educational Video Center, Inc, 120 West 30th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Either way, your gift to EVC is 100% tax deductible.
Thank you and warm wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Youthful New Year from all of us at EVC!