We are so proud of our students for their amazing work over this past semester. Here are snapshots of the culminating program events that celebrated their successes in all three of our core programs. You can check out the full albums at https://www.facebook.com/educationalvideocenter/.

EVC students premiered their two documentaries, The Queer Survival Guide and Life In Here, on January 11th at the HBO Theater to a standing room only audience of almost 200 people! The screening was a moving, transformative, and very memorable experience for us all as our students presented their powerful films exploring the causes and impacts of unintended teen pregnancies on young people in New York City and how communities can create safe spaces for LGBT youth. Furthermore, we took a moment to recognize and honor the legacy of our Founder and Executive Director, Steve Goodman, as it was his last screening as our ED. Please check out the tribute video staff put together capturing his time here at EVC and the legacy we will carry on. A special thanks to HBO for the donated screening space and reception that followed!

After 5 months, our Tennessee and NYC students finally reunited last month, living and working together in New York City to launch their project earlier this month. On January 3rd, they launched their website and screened their film, Helping Open People’s Eyes, about the similar ways in which opioid addiction is affecting both urban and rural communities. They plan on continuing this work by increasing awareness about addiction and the variety of options to help, such as the Narcan Nasal Spray, in their respective communities through more presentations and screenings of their website and film.
A special thanks to Hostos Community College for hosting us and the Mozilla Foundation for supporting this transformative and critical work! Be sure to check out the local Knoxville’s ABC News feature story about our project and please continue to help us to spread the word!

As their remixed websites went live, EVC youth producers came together on December 21st for a launch celebration with an audience of 50 people including family, teachers, peers, mentors, industry professionals and community members from all over New York City. We celebrated students’ work as they presented all 5 of their New Media Arts remixed websites and engaged the audience in dialogue about sexual assault and harassment; media’s impact on society’s perceptions of terrorism; the ways in which youth cope with mental illness; depictions of race in American media; and post-secondary decisions for students. After successfully presenting digital portfolios, students will earn both high school and college credit from the Hostos Community College’s Media Design program. A special thanks to New York Parks and Recreation and Hostos Community College for partnering with us and the Hive Digital Media Learning Fund at the New York Community Trust and ExpandED Schools for supporting this inspiring work!
Thank you again for your generous support of our students’ work in 2017 and your contributions to EVC in support of our Year End Appeal campaign. Your donations helped us to meet and surpass our goal raising over $17,000! As one year of programming ends, another begins as we are now gearing up for our Spring semester workshops. We hope that you will continue to support us as we transition into a New Year and new era of EVC. Please be on the lookout for student recruitment and more upcoming events!